An international advisory committee gathers highly experienced senior representatives
The INAB gathers highly experienced senior representatives from the nuclear industry, academia and research. This committee provides high value-added input to the NUWARD SMR project.

The benefits of the initiative
The insights provided by the International NUWARD Advisory Board contribute to our ambition to develop an SMR solution that meets the needs of future users and operators.
The aim of this innovative initiative is to ensure that the design features of the NUWARD SMR meet the expectations of utilities and industry interested in the possible uses of SMRs in the 300-400 MWe range.
Since 2021, INAB members have held regular meetings to share their analyses and knowledge on topics such as potential energy applications, business models, industrial strategy, as well as the licensing processes and regulatory approaches for SMR.
The INAB's recommendations will enable us to fine-tune the development of the NUWARD SMR design and its business model, while taking into account trends in an emerging market.